Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Flying into Guayaquil, the flooding from the very heavy rains that had occurred in the last month, up and down the West coast of Equador and regions of Peru were very apparent. The rainy season was the heaviest in the last 10 years.

Guayaquil is the largest city in Equador and it's commercial and business hub. The city was the first major port in South America. Getting to the city from the airport was traffic jams and street after street of shops and traders.
Our first stop however, was to an old city park were land iguanas were freely climbing trees & roaming the lawns and paths and you had to watch where you walked incase you stepped on one..

This beautiful church was opposite the park

On the riverside -Guayas River, the effect of the floods was most apparent

An interesting international display of humming bird statues from around the world.

Then to our hotel - it was a very early start the next day for our flight to Lima.

View from hotel window

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