Monday, April 16, 2012

North Seymour Island

North Seymour Island is situated somewhat away from other islands in the group and suited north of the equator. Bird life abounds, especially frigate birds and our favouites bird in the Galapagos, the blue footed boobie-who do a dance and look like "lifes a ball". The island is also home to land iguanas..

Land iguanas were warming up in the morning sun after rain overnight
Warbler: This pretty bird had a beautiful call

Our group traversing the muddy terrain

Another land iguana

We reach the beach and a sandy terrain"

Where is Mum- it's breakfast time

Lava lizard

Ther was a large Frigate bird population
Here are the blue footed boobies

We were sorry to leave, the towel folding by the cabin boys awaited our return

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