Friday, May 11, 2012

Petropolis Tour

Petropolis is a popular holiday spot is located in the high mountains 65 Km from Rio. The climate is milder than Rio and the forest vegetation is lush due to the rich soils and good rains. The town's name (city of Peter) honours Emperor Pedro II (1831 -1889), the nations second monarch and son of Pedro. In 1894-1903 it was the official capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

This palatial house is a private dwelling with its own lake It was the former casino but gambling was banned in 1946

Imperial Museum

 The town's main attraction is the summer palace of the second emperor, now the Imperial museum. It specialises in imperial history and memorabilia.

Imperial Palace Petropolis, the former palace was built in 1845.
The Museum is the Palace itself and houses exhibits of artworks, furniture and ornaments

Dom Pedro delivering a speech
Oil on canvas, 1872

Brazilian Imperial Crown - Engraved Gold with 639 diamonds and 77 pearls.

Under Pedro II's rule, Brazil became a stable nation, an emerging power internationally and a champion of freedom of speech, civil rights and an emerging economy. Slavery was abolished despite powerful political and economic interests.( his daughter Princess Isabel signed the law emancipating all slaves in Brazil).  The representative parliamentary democracy government was respected and admired by the people. He sponsored learning, culture and sciences.

He was the last ruler of Brazil, overthrown by a coup d'etat by military leaders but with little public support. Dom Pedro II did not take any step to prevent this happening and had little regard for the monarchy - rather a sense of devotion to the people and the future good of the country.
The last 2 years of his life was in exile in Europe and he died alone and penniless. Brazil then became a republic head by a dictator.
Decades later after a series of weak governments he was recognised as the model for the Brazilan republic and his remains returned to Brazil and status rightfully restored as and the nickname the Magnanimous was again used.

The coach house houses royal coaches, a train and other large carriages. Restoration work is being carried out in an special area.

Petropolis Cathedral - Sao Pedro de Alcantara Cathedral is French Neo-gothic style church building built under the patronage of Dom Pedro II started in 1884 but opened in 1925 long after Brazil became a republic.

The Imperial chapel inside the church is the final resting place of Dom Pedro II, his wife Teresa Cristina, Princess Isabel and her husband Count d'Eu

Crystal Palace
Manufactured in France as the Emperor's greenhouse to grow orchards and located in a large park it is now a venue for cultural events

The Catholic University of Petropolis is a private, non-profit maintained by the Catholic Archdiocese of Petropolis. It was the first institute of higher education in the city and has leading schools in Philosophy, Sciences, Industrial Engineering and Physical education.

The city has many classical and well maintained buildings

The father of flight in Brazil is Alberto Santos Dumont and many Brazilians dispute the Wright brothers  being first to fly. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rio de Janeiro - The Icons

Christ the Redeemer  

The famous Christ the Redeemer statue is regarded as one of the Seven wonders of the new world on a list assembled in 2007. It stands 39m including a 10m pedestal. It is a worldwide symbol for peace

Christ the Redeemer statue stands on Corcovado Mountain. The visual effect is refections on the bus window
It stands on the 700m high granite domed peak of Corcovado mountain (meaning 'hunchback' in Portuguese) in the Tijuca Forest National Park which is west of the city but wholly within the city limits. 
The statue was constructed between 1922 and 1931 - designed by a local engineer,  Heitor de Silva Costa and sculpted by a French sculptor, Paul Landowski. 
It is made of reinforced concrete with outer layers of Swedish soapstone (chosen for its durability and ease of work). 
The construction was entirely funded by the Catholic community of Brazil. 

Access is via the Corcovado Rack Railway (or alternatively via a narrow winding road). The rack railway is electric and was opened in 1884 and refurbished in 1980.
The outstretched arms resemble the cross
The views of the city from here are incredible, the mountains and the sea make the setting very alluring 
Sugarloaf is center-shot,  Cabritos Hill on the right
Looking North East, Botafogo Bay is in front of Sugarloaf Mountain   
Looking  East, the  Jockey Club is in the foreground and Copacabana Beach is on the Atlantic Coast.
 Cantagalo Hill is on the right
Looking South east, the Rodrigo de Freitas Lake. It will be the venue for rowing and canoeing events at the 2016 summer Olympic games.
It has a 8 Km pathway circling the lake and is popular for walkers, skaters and cyclists. 

This capuchin monkey looks like he posed for the photo

Sugarloaf Mountain (Pao de Acucar in Portuguese) is almost 400m high and is a striking natural landmark that rises straight from the water's edge. It sits at the entrance to Guanabara Bay and overlooks Rio de Janeiro. 

Sugarloaf from Botafolo Beach, Urca's mountain is the closer, lower peak.
Two italian-made, glass-walled cable cars travel to the summit where stunning view of Rio and its beautiful landscape can be seen. 
The first cable car goes to Urca's Mountain

The second ascends to Sugarloaf
Because Sugarloaf is on a peninsular that stretches into the Atlantic ocean, it offers a scenic views  of a bustling city, a tranquil bay and a sparkling ocean.

Corcovado  Mountain in the distance with Christ the Redeemer statue

Copacabana Beach seen from Sugarloaf Mountain. Babylon Mountain is in the foreground.
Looking North, Guanabara Bay reaches about 30Km inland and small hills that originally lined the bay were flatted and used as landfill. Santos Dumont airport, Rio's city airport is on the right. The International airport is further North of the city
The 13.3 Km  box girder bridge is in the background, nicknamed the Rio-Niteroi Bridge (officially  the  President Costa e Silva after the Brazilian President who order its construction in 1968) It saves a 100Km trip round Guanabara Bay from Rio to the municipality of Niteroi.

A large vessel being towed in the bay.  The town of Niterio is in the background

A cross is being incorporated into this city building

Guanabara Bay (literally Bosom of the Sea)
Is a body of water which stretches over 30Km inland and has over 130 islands.  Originally it was thought to be a river when discovered on 1st January 1502, and named the River of January (Rio de Janeiro)  
Rio-Niteroi Bridge.
The central span is 72m above the water to allow passage of large ships that use the bay. It was completed in 1974, having taken  just under 6 years to build.

The Cathedral of San Sebastian - Rio de Janeiro Cathedral
In contrast to the baroque style of other churches, this church has a unique beehive concrete exterior and outstanding stained glass windows and interior that feels warm and inviting yet has a capacity of over 20,000.

A modern office block opposite the church has its interesting shape reflected on its glass

Rio Sambodromo

The wild celebration held 46days before Easter in Rio is called Carnivale. It is held in Sambodromo which is a dedicated area of stands and a variety of seating and boxes with a total capacity of 25,700. At other time the boxes are classrooms in what is a poor favela (shanty town) neighbourhood. Free education is available to all children in Brazil.

Dolls and costumes are made all year